Ticino Valley Park
The forests of the Ticino Park are the last and most important forest area in the Po Valley. The wooded areas cover a total of about 20,000 hectares and, in terms of continuity and extension, represent territorial excellence. This heritage, however, is in certain areas degraded by the presence of exotic pest plants, which have spread due to the transformations on the territory caused by socio-economic changes. It is therefore planned to eliminate the exotic species, favoring the growth those typical of the ecological and climatic context
The Valle del Ticino Park covers an area of about 91,800 hectares, part of an area recognized by UNESCO as a Man and Biosphere (MAB) Reserve. It is a program to promote on a scientific basis a balanced relationship between people and environment through biodiversity protection and sustainable development. The Park is home to an immense variety of ecosystems, making it a biodiversity asset unrivaled in the entire Po Valley. It is the most important ecological corridor connecting the Alps and the Apennines. Among the typical deciduous forests – consisting of oak, hornbeam, poplar, willow and other species – one can observe many animals. For example, foxes, weasels, badgers, skunks, and beech martens, as many as 327 species of birds, among which aquatic ones stand out: purple heron, kingfisher, and moorhen. For some time, wolves have also reappeared, using the Park to reach the Alps. We will carry out forest improvements, aimed at eradicating invasive exotic species and boosting native ones. In addition, we will plant new hedges, rows and shrubs to increase the ecological connectivity of this wonderful Park.
BioClima is an initiative created within the framework of the LIFE GESTIRE 2020 – Nature Integrated Management to 2020 project, with the contribution of the European Commission’s LIFE+ financial instrument and the support of the Lombardy Region. www.naturachevale.it
The next tree plantings are planned for spring 2023.
Partner of the forest
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Adventurous people
Animal lovers
Determined people
Lovers of good things
Trendiest people
Who is always there
Who wants to say "I love you"
Who wants to say "thank you"
Wisest people

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