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Protect a forest

Riserva Naturale della Val di Mello

Val Masino (SO)

Protect Riserva Naturale della Val di Mello

Current threat : Biodiversity loss

The more species diverse a forest is, the better it will resist threats from external agents, produce quality timber, and provide a habitable habitat for wildlife. It' not just for wildlife, but also for the people who want to enjoy the ecosystem services the forest provides.




Choose your contribution

18,00 €

Protect 39 m2 per
conservare 900 Kg di CO2

29,00 €

Protect 63 m2 per
conservare 1.450 Kg di CO2

89,00 €

Protect 193 m2 per
conservare 4.450 Kg di CO2

250,00 €

Protect 543 m2 per
conservare 12.500 Kg di CO2

Val di Mello Natural Reserve is the largest nature reserve in Lombardy, a must-see destination in Valtellina. Dubbed “Little Yosemite” by some because of the similarities of its granite walls and erratic boulders to the famous California park, the Reserve is beloved by mountaineering and climbing enthusiasts from around the world. Its 4,500 hectares of land, included in the municipalities of Val Masino and Mello, in the province of Sondrio, are mountain territories one quarter covered by forests and partly protected as a Natura 2000 Site. The wide altitudinal range (between about 1000 and 3400 m a.s.l.) includes heterogeneous environments, valuable from the point of view of landscape, nature and wildlife. There is no lack of examples of anthropized landscape, linked to traditional agro-pastoral activities. The project involves the improvement of protected forests as priority habitats, such as beech and alder alluvial forests. In addition, it aims to restore dry stone walls: typical structures of the area that, in addition to preserving the historical memory of the landscape, become habitats for some priority species, for which the European Community has a special responsibility and attention.

This project is co-funded by the Call for Proposals “Biodiversity and Climate” (BioClima) implemented by Regione Lombardia and supported by Fondazione Cariplo. Bioclima, created under the LIFE MANAGEMENT 2020 project, aims to create public-private financing models to catalyze investment in biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation projects in Lombardy’s forests and protected areas. If you are a company and would like to contribute, visit

Da alcuni ribattezzata “Piccola Yosemite” per via delle somiglianze delle pareti granitiche e massi erratici con il famoso parco californiano, la Riserva è amata dagli appassionati di alpinismo e arrampicata di tutto il mondo. I suoi 4500 ettari di territorio, compresi nei comuni di Val Masino e Mello, in provincia di Sondrio, sono territori montani per un quarto ricoperti da boschi e in parte protetti come Sito Natura 2000.

Partners who take care of the forest

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