Parco Spina Verde
This stretch of nature covers more than a thousand hectares from the Como hills to the Swiss border, sprawling like a spine from east to west. Its reputation is mainly due to the historical ruins preserved inside, which have given it the attribute of a “cultural” park. The project plans to re-thicken and enhance the forest cover, including the opening of a nursery for self-grown native plants.
On the doorstep of Como, the Spina Verde Regional Park was officially established in 1993. This nature expanse covers more than a thousand hectares from the Como hills to the Swiss border, extending like a spine from east to west. Its reputation is mainly due to the historical ruins preserved inside it, which have given it the attribute of a “cultural” park. It is worth mentioning the archaeological sites from the Golasecchian period (9th-4th centuries B.C.), the only ones in Lombard. Then the Medieval complex of Baradello Castle, which includes religious sites and trenches from World War I, stands out. It’s not just about history, but Spina Verde Park is remarkable for its amazing landscapes, appreciated by the many excursionists who explore the area each year on foot or by bicycle, admiring the Lombard plain, the Pre-Alps, and Lake Como. A park without flora and fauna would be hard to imagine, so stewardship plays an active role in environmental preservation. Since 2009, it has been recognized as a Special Area of Conservation, which monitors and censuses 150 species of vertebrates, and as many invertebrates, such as the crayfish and flying deer. Our project aims to redevelop 36 hectares of forests, which are in need of reforestation. In addition, we will open a small nursery for self-grown native plants to be transplanted into the Park. In doing so, Spina Verde transcends the concept of the Park as a mere “planning constraint” and takes on an essential role in providing the community with services that we often take for granted: carbon capture, groundwater recharge, pollutant retention, soil conservation, and the maintenance of a healthy environment for recreation and well-being.
This project is co-funded by the Call for Proposals “Biodiversity and Climate” (BioClima) implemented by Regione Lombardia and supported by Fondazione Cariplo. Bioclima, created under the LIFE MANAGEMENT 2020 project, aims to create public-private financing models to catalyze investment in biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation projects in Lombardy’s forests and protected areas. If you are a company and would like to contribute, visit www.wownature.eu/aziende/bioclima.
The next tree plantings is planned for spring 2023.
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24,00 €

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28,00 €

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