No metaphor was ever more appropriate than “a stream of possibilities” to describe Oglio Sud Park. The Park, a wide protected area stretching along the banks of the Oglio River, meets all demands. If you are after nature, then you will find plenty of it here: in autumn, many small birds stop by searching for food, before continuing the migration; in the cold winter evenings, one can hear the song of the tawny owl and the croaking of the Lataste’s frog (Italian agile frog), now extremely rare outside the Park; in spring, the frenetic buzz of life comes back, with nightingales, grey herons, and marsh harriers busy searching for food for their fledglings; in summer, the bright colors of the bee-eaters, almost ready to embark on the long journey back to Africa. This is the right places also for those looking for long walking or cycling routes. In fact, many routes wind through the countryside, woods and canals, punctuated not only with the marvels of nature, but also those of human, such as small chapels, castles, and arcades. Foodies will also be pleased by this generous land: the local cuisine offers great pumpkin tortellini, Viadanese wine, and typical cured meat. For years, the Park authority has been working to preserve and restore important riverine habitats: this is evidenced by the young plantings that we are now starting to enjoy. Sadly, these plantings are struggling due to the growth of alien and invasive species, such as Sicyos angulatus. They compete with native species, slowing or even compromising the growth of young trees. In this context, eradication of such invasive species is one of the priorities. In addition, rare or endangered species, such as the Lataste’s frog, find shelter among the wet forests and ponds nearby. Therefore, it should be protected with targeted interventions. This project is co-funded by the Call for Proposals “Biodiversity and Climate” (BioClima) implemented by Regione Lombardia and supported by Fondazione Cariplo. Bioclima, created under the LIFE MANAGEMENT 2020 project, aims to create public-private financing models to catalyze investment in biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation projects in Lombardy’s forests and protected areas. If you are a company and would like to contribute, visit