Bosco delle Vigne
In this area you will find vines and numerous other plant species, both arboreal and shrubs, as well as bees and a larger number of insects, birds and animals.
Originating at the bottom of an ancient sea, over the course of tens of millions of years, the Monti Berici (Berici Mountains) district is the result of a very long geological process, partly volcanic and partly sedimentary, that the action of time and erosion has eventually reduced to gentle hills. Here, Humans and Nature have crossed paths since the dawn of time as the area provides shelter for roe deer, hares and other wildlife, but also numerous opportunities for hiking, working, recreational and culinary activities aimed at outdoor enthusiasts. In particular, grapevines find an ideal habitat! Over the past few years, Berardo, an agronomist and farmer, has been looking after a corner of the beautiful Monti Berici: Bosco delle Vigne (Vineyard Forest). In this area, just a short bike ride from downtown Vicenza, you will find vines and numerous other plant species, both arboreal – durmast, manna ash, common and hop hornbeam, cornelian cherry, elm, cedar, chestnut, locust, yew, mulberry and sycamore maple – as well as shrubs such as butcher’s broom, rapunzel, wild thyme, wild asparagus, mint, bramble, wild garlic, chives, wild strawberries, buckthorn, hawthorn and cornelian cherry, as well as bees and a large number of other insects, birds and animals.
This considerable variety of species, besides being a green lung and an oasis for biodiversity, in autumn colours the hilly landscape bordering the city of Vicenza in a striking and remarkable way. Bosco delle Vigne is managed according to agroecological principles: the observation of Nature; the design of diversified, complex, interdependent agricultural systems; cooperation; and the awareness that Agriculture is a dynamic balance between Humans and Nature, and as such, agricultural and forestry activities should lead to a positive regeneration and evolution of this balance. Based on these assumptions, our project entails safeguarding biodiversity, planting new tree species and creating educational and experiential paths within Bosco delle Vigne to share the meaning of agroecology and promote its value among our communities.
The next tree plantings will take place in spring 2023.
Partner of the forest
Choose your favorite tree
Adventurous people
Animal lovers
Determined people
Lovers of good things
Trendiest people
Who is always there
Who wants to say "I love you"
Who wants to say "thank you"
Wisest people

20,00 €