Manna ash
Animal lovers
Lovers of good things
Manna does not come from heaven, but from the Manna Ash! From the incision of the bark, a substance that solidifies in contact with air comes out: manna.
Common name: Manna ash
Scientific name: Fraxinus ornus
Tree of the Oleaceae family, it does not exceed 15 meters in height. Its straight stem is covered with smooth gray-green bark, which darkens with time. From there, flexuous branches support the rounded crown of small toothed leaves. The flowers of the Manna ash are rather fragrant, with white petals, clustered in large panicles that bloom after the first leaves sprout. The fruits are samare, winged nuts gathered in clusters, which remain on the plant even after the leaves have fallen.
Manna is the sap extracted from its bark. It is a typical Sicilian product, listed in the intangible heritage register of Sicily. It is used as a mild laxative, especially in pediatrics.
The wood of the Manna ash is white and hard. It is used to fabricate oars and masts for boats, tennis rackets, skis, and field hockey sticks.
What makes it unique
reachable height
maximum life expectancy
Forests where you can grow your own Manna ash, adopting or giving it away.

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Parco del Serio

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Parco Spina Verde