C’è aria per te! is the communication campaign linked to the Life Prepair project that unites seven regions – Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Valle D’Aosta, Lombardy, Veneto, Autonomous Province of Trento and Friuli-Venezia Giulia – to combat air pollution in the Po Valley Basin. The campaign aims to involve civil society as a whole to improve air quality through awareness actions aimed at citizens, schools, public bodies, companies and associations.
The heart of the awareness project is the Clean Air Week, scheduled from November 22 to 28, 2021: 7 “special” days in which all the inhabitants and organizations of the Po Valley Basin are called to engage with small and large daily actions that can make a difference for cleaner air. Citizens, schools, public bodies, companies and associations of the seven regions will be able to join the Clean Air Week by carrying out an action to improve air quality such as, for example, deciding to move on foot instead of by car or planting a tree. The action must be documented by a photo to be uploaded on the campaign website www.ariaxte.it together with a brief description.
By joining the Clean Air Week, participants will contribute to the reforestation of Fontaniva Forest and San Colombano Park. Thanks to WOW Nature, in fact, 100 new trees will be planted as a symbol of the collective commitment of institutions and citizens of all generations to improve air quality: because the air belongs to everyone and has no boundaries. Life Prepair has already supported WOW Nature in the past through the action Assess the air.