Essse Caffè
In 1979, the Segafredo family, known for its long tradition in the sector, founded Essse Caffè in Bologna. The choice of writing Essse with three S’s is not accidental. In italian, they stand for Science, Wisdom, and Specialization: the three values of the company. Esse is based on experience and oriented towards innovation, through the consistency of coffee blends and the search for the best quality. We have always paid the utmost attention to the quality of the raw material and to environmental protection. Our goal is to achieve a sustainable production, using cutting-edge technologies.
We support reforestation projects, to preserve ecosystems, capture CO2, and mitigate the effects of pollution. We have joined several of them with WOWnature, as it is only with concrete actions that we can combat the climate crisis. Trees are essential for our survival and for animals’, since they find their habitat, food and shelter in forests. On top of that, forests limit hydrogeological instability and contain the effects of extreme weather events, now increasingly frequent. We want to do our part in the best way we know: through coffee. We created GRANCREMA, an innovative blend of fine coffees from India and Tanzania, blended and roasted by our experts. A strong and creamy coffee that releases aromas of toast, dried fruit, and spices.
For every 100 kg of GRAN CREMA that we roast, Essse Caffè will plant a tree both in Enego, and abroad in Burkina Faso. It’s a country where fruit trees such as neré, moringa, and baobab play an essential role for the emancipation and economic independence of women, as well as for local communities, as it provides food and income to many families. This project was created to offer our customers the opportunity to buy a blend of coffee that can help the environment.