“Great details make the difference”. This is the slogan that has accompanied Miran for years, a leading company in the production of thermoplastic accessories for footwear, leather goods, and removable insoles. A slogan that has always described our philosophy and our way of doing business, in which production requirements are combined with respect for the ecosystem. Just as one of our accessories can give a whole new look to footwear, so the small daily choices can become the great engines of a real change.
The desire to preserve the territory pushes us to monitor the quality of our materials, paying attention to their environmental impact and seeking more sustainable solutions. With our partners, we look for solutions that can allow the reuse of recyclable materials at the end of their life cycle. Because it is love for nature that has made us choose to develop an efficient photovoltaic system that guarantees most energy to our production.
Out far-sighted attitude we will leave to our children leads us to join the initiative of WOWnature and its project of reforestation of Bosco San Lio in Sicily. Helping us maintaining and strengthening the link the South. We continue to believe, today even more, that “Great details that make the difference”.