O2H Engineering
O2H Engineering is a young and expanding firm of hydraulic and environmental engineers.
Our sensitivity and respect for the environment pushes us to adopt small, but important measures, both at work and in daily life, promoting for example telework or the daily use of public transport and bikes. Willing to reduce our emissions, we decided with great enthusiasm to join the WOWnature initiative, choosing the areas most related to our professional activity and our personal life.
Since we were involved in the design of a hydrogeological risk reduction intervention on the Cordevole torrent in Livinallongo del Col di Lana, we chose to plant trees in this area as an integral part of risk prevention interventions.
The choice to populate the Treviso-Vicenza-Ostiglia cycle route with trees, instead, comes from our passion for cycling, and the belief that it is important to create green corridors for bikers.