Alì Supermercati
The glorious entrepreneurial history of Francesco Canella, founder and president of Alì Supermercati, dates back to 1958. After several years as an employee, he began his successful business career. A decade later, in 1969, Francesco Canella opened his first grocery shop in Padua. From that year on, the evolution of Alì Supermercati is studded with new openings, success and innovations. Alì offered fresh and processed food; it innovate the relationship with the customers introducing loyalty cards; it dedicated a lot of attention to marketing, communication, and collateral projects.Over the years, Alì Supermercati has developed a strong sensitivity towards environmental protection, convinced that this is at the basis of food safety and people’s health. Environmental sustainability represents one of the main elements of the value system that has always marked the work of the company led by Francesco Canella.
The Alì Group’s commitment to protect the environment divides in two phases. In fact, the first project aimed at protecting the environment dates back to 2001, but in 2010 the most important initiative was born: “WeLoveNature“, the great project that “puts the accent on Nature”. A project to improve air quality and requalify the green areas of the territory: this is “We Love Trees”, the most important project within the WeLoveNature initiative, aimed at guaranteeing life on the Planet. We Love Trees includes several initiatives: the donation of trees by customers using their loyalty cards, and various initiatives for charity supported by Alí Supermercati, such as tree planting in schools and shops. The company supports several of our initiatives including: Bosco Nico ,the first Alì Food Forest, Bosco Fontaniva, Bosco Rossi, Bosco Molina, Bosco Fiorentina, Bosco Voltabarozzo, and many others!